Monday, April 11, 2011

"It's time to get serious"

The weekend is over and it's back to the factory for me.  I realized today that my brother, on his visit to see me, was inspired by my vitamin collection.  Today it seemed, through email exchanges, he is doing some research for himself on what to supplement his diet with.  I recommended a multivitamin and vitamin D (because this is what a Harvard study found to be most beneficial).  He asked why I would give him advice I don't myself follow.  That was a good question.  Mainly because I know that research does not substantiates the claims I make about vitamins and since they cost money I wouldn't recommend something without presenting my brother with the actual research, that being said I broke down the general attributions contributed to each vitamin in hopes he at least starts taking a multivitamin.  Many doctors do say that everyone should be taking a multivitamin!

My lunch today was great! (it was the sweet and sour veggies and tofu over brown rice from the post below).  I also had the roasted veggies on the side.  Of course a coworker brought in two huge and delicious wedding cakes that sat right outside my office with a sign "eat me" right next to an assortment of gourmet cookies.  Is this a predominantly women-in-the-office trend or does everyone get exposed to delicious top-of-the-old-pyramid sweets at work regularly?  After 3 hours of staring at the cake I indulged, it was delicious!  But then I hit the gym and a mighty fine workout was had.  I hit the weights (with nominal breaks for added cardio) for about 50 minutes and then I went on a run with a friend.

Don't let the cable exercises mislead you-- for some reason at this particular gym the pulley system is off making the weight a lot lighter than it should be-- I would normally do 90-100 lbs for cable row, not 145! (cable machines vary from one another given the gym and their upkeep).

Then I ran.  We usually run about 25 minutes, this particular loop had us at 22 minutes, included in that is a good 3 minutes waiting to cross various roads--which is about a 9 minute mile pace if you take that into consideration.  Personally I love using when I have time to check up on my workouts.  Check it out:
It was about a 2.40 mile run.

Then I came home and what was going to be a side salad turned into the main course (mostly because my spinach is on it's final days so I figure I'd try and finish it off and use the rest in my omelet tomorrow morning):

Organic: Baby spinach, strawberries, sliced almonds, goat cheese (Newman's own light balsamic dressing)

Bedtime for Bonzo!  Sweet dreams!

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