Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Just Got High

No, not that kind of high, a day late for that.  Today might have been the first time I experienced the runner's high!  I wasn't running though, I was elliptical-ing.  My goal was to go for 30 minutes, but then my favorite machine opened up after 30 minutes so I had to go on it.  I got tired around 45 minutes and thought of stopping...but I figured I'd just do an hour... at 57 minutes I looked down and realized I had minutes left and I got strangely sad.  I realized I was having a great time and I didn't want to stop.  At an hour I got off the machine to get more water and contemplate leaving, but I couldn't it was too much fun.  I got back on the machine and went for another 45 (I know, right?!?).  The guy on the elliptical next to me kept looking at me, probably because I was totally jamming to my music and in love with my groove.  I still am! I'm feeling great.  I love exercise!!

Check it out: awesome article about runner's high

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes I know what you mean! I don't think that I've ever decided to go for an extra 45 minutes (time constraints usually are in place) but I definitely have felt the sensation like I could go on forever and was surprised/sad when I got to the end.
