Monday, March 28, 2011

Back on the grind!

So this weekend was great and relaxing!  Maybe a little too relaxing because I relaxed what I decided to put in my mouth.  It was definitely worth it and I munched on some delicious food, but now getting back to the grind is a little difficult.  Pause for the highlight of the trip:
I got to snuggle with this kitty all night!!

So adding insult to injury to my relaxed and intensely-enjoyable-for-the-taste-buds-weekend (I didn't eat unhealthy per se, I just ate too much cheese and bread, oh, how refined)-- more than one person decided to make delicious looking cookies and bring them to work.  Oh, first world problems will get ya!

Anyway, this is weird but I pushed the snooze button on my alarm for OVER AN HOUR!  This rarely happens, in fact I rarely sleep in (though this is a new thing I use to be able to sleep the day away).  Not only did I sleep in but I had bad dreams and somehow still found the motivation to press snooze and suffer through some more realistically vivid nightmares.  Then I had to rush a little bit to work so I microwaved some old fashioned oatmeal rather than the normal steal cut oats.  I didn't have time to prepare lunch so I took a Lean Cuisine.  THEN when I went to the gym and started taking out my workout clothes somehow I grabbed a tank top instead of shorts...I couldn't work out in my jeans so I had to go home... with rush-hour traffic it really wasn't worth driving back to the gym particularly because I had a date to run so my workout would have been piss poor.  So instead I just waited to run and we ran a good 25 minutes, we are still getting in shape but the run felt pretty that's an upside to the downsides.

Then I went grocery shopping and was inspired to make a pretty delicious meal.  I also took the plunge and bought Almond Butter!!! Haven't tried it yet but I've heard so many great things I'm pretty excited to try it.  ALSO, one of my co-workers is starting a farm and farming organically (though not yet certified).  He gave me FOR FREE a dozen eggs from chickens who live like royalty.  I left them in the fridge at work but I'm pretty excited about them!  Now I have an egg connection.  Soon he'll grow spinach and the like too! woot woot!

So here's my dinner:

Tofu, broccoli, red onions, zucchini, baby bellos, garlic over quinoa
On to the next one.

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